Bagi kamu yg suka bermain di dunia maya sperti facebook,twitter,yahoo,dll tidak jarang pasti sering menemui singkatan kata/kalimat, n mungkin km ad bbrapa yg blum tau artinya,
disini akan aq tampilin sederet singkatan² di dalam dunia maya bserta kepanjanganya, sapa tahu bisa membantumu,
2DFM = Too dumb for me
2H2H = Too hot to handle
2L8 = Too late
2U2 = To you too
411 = Information or gossip
4GM = Forgive me
4RL? = For real?
5n = Fine
A+ = Friendship
AAMOF = As a matter of fact
AAYF = As always, your friend
AFAICT = As far as I can tell
AFAIK = As far as I know
AFK = Away from keyboard
AIUI = As I understand it
AKA = Also known as
AOMM = Always on my mind
ASAP =As soon as possible
ASL = Age, sex, location?
ASLP = Age, sex, location, picture?
ATM =At the moment
ATSL = Along the same line
ATYS = Anything you say
AWA = As well as
AWOL = Absent while online
B4 = Before
B4N = Bye for now
BAC = Back at computer
BAK = Back at keyboard
BBIAB = Be back in a bit
BBL = Be back later
BBS = Be back soon
BCNU = Be seein' you
BD = Big deal
BFD = Big freakin' deal
BF = Boyfriend
BFF = Best friends forever
BFFM = Best friends forevermore
BFN = Bye for now
BC = Be cool
B/C = Because
BCNU = Be seein' you
BIL = Brother in law
BION = Believe it or not
BLVMOT = Believe me on that
BME = Based on my experience
BN = Bad news
BOL = Be on later
BOT = Back on topic
BOT = Be on that
BRH = Be right here
BRB = Be right back
BRB = Bathroom break
BSTS = Better safe than sorry
BTA = But then again
BTDT = Been there, done that
BTW = By the way
BW = Be well
BWG = Big wide grin
BYTM = Better you than me
CMIIW = Correct me if I'm wrong
COB = Close of business
CTFU = Cracking the f up
CU = See you
CUL = Catch you later
CUS = See you soon
CUL8R = See you later
CULA = See you later alligator
cowoT = Complete waste of time
CYA = See ya
CYE = Check your e-mail
CYL = Catch ya lata
CYWW2BY = See ya, wouldn't want to be ya
DAQ = Dumb asked question
DBEYR = Don't believe everything you read
DD = Dear daughter
DH = Dear husband
DHYB = Don't hold your breath
DIIK = Darned if I know
DIY = Do it yourself
DL = Down low
DL = Download
DLO = Down low
DP = Dear partner
DQOTD = Dumb question of the day
DQYDJ = Don't quit your day job
DS = Dear son
DT = Dang Typos
DW = Don't Worry
DYFI = Did you find it?
EAK = Eating at keyboard
EG = Evil grin
EOD = End of discussion
EOL = End of lecture
EOR = End of rant
F = Female
F2F = Face to face
FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions
FCOL = For crying out loud
FIL = Father in law
FITB = Fill in the blanks
FNB = Football and beer
FO = Far out
FO = Freaking out
FOCL = Falling off the chair laughing
FOFL = Falling on the floor laughing
FTMP = For the most part
FTR = For the record
FUBAR = Fouled up beyond all recognition
FUT = Follow up to...
FWIW = For what it's worth
FYA = For your amusement
FYI = For your information
G = Grin
G2TU = Got to tell you.
G4U = Good for you
G2G = Gotta go
GA = Go ahead
GA = Good afternoon
GAL = Get a life
GAS = Greetings and salutations
GBH = Great Big Hug
GC = Groovy Cat
GD&R = Grinning, ducking, and running
GE = Good evening
GF = Girlfriend
GFN = Gone for now
GG = Good game
GGOGG = Great gobs of goose grease
GI = Good idea
GICBTS = Gosh, I can't believe that stuff!
GICNBY = Gosh, I cannot believe you!
GIWISI = Gee, I wish I said it
GJ = Good job
GL = Good luck
GM = Good morning
GM = Good move/match
GMTA = Great minds think alike
GN = Good night
GOK = God only knows
GOWI = Get on with it
GOWM = Go out with me
GR8 = Great
GTG = Got to go
GV = Gave
GNV = Given
GTRDUN = Get 'er done
H = Hug
HA = Hello again
HB = Hug back
H&K = Hugs and Kisses
HAGD = Have a good day
HAND = Have a nice day
HCIT = How cool is that
HF = Have fun
HH = Ha-ha
HH1/2KO = Ha-ha, half kidding only
HHSF = Ha-ha, so funny
HHVF = Ha-ha, very funny
HO = Hold on
H/O = Hold on
HOAS = Hold on a second
HTH = Hope this helps
IAC = In any case
IAE = In any event
IAG = It's all good
IAGW = In a good way
IAW = In accordance with
IAYF = It's all your fault
IB2D = I beg to differ
IC = I see
IC = In character
ICOCBW = I could, of course, be wrong
IDGI = I don't get it
IDK = I don't know
IDNK = I do not know
IDNDT = I did not do that
IIRC = If I remember correctly
IK = I know
IKWUM = I know what you mean
ILUB = I love you baby
IMAO = In my arrogant opinion
IME = In my experience
IMHO = In my humble opinion
IMHARO = In my humble and respectful opinion
IMHBMAO = In my humble but most accurate opinion
IMNSHO = In my not so humble opinion
IMO = In my opinion
IMOT = I'm on that
INRS = It's not rocket science
IOW = In other words
IRL = In real life
IRT = In reply to
IRSTBO = It really sucks the big one
IS = I'm sorry
ISO = In search of
ISO = Is seeking other
ISTM = It seems to me
ISWYM = I see what you mean
ITMT = In the mean time
ITYM = I think you mean
JLMK = Just let me know
JMHO = Just my humble opinion
J/K = Just kidding
JOOC = Just out of curiosity
J/P = Just playing
JSYK = Just so you know
JTLYK = Just to let you know
K = OK
KHYF = Know how you feel
KIR = Keepin' it real
KISS = Keep it simple, stupid
KIT = Keep in touch
KPTONDL = Keep it on the down low
KWIM = Know what I mean?
KYSOTI = Keep your stick on the ice
L8 = Late
L8R = Later
LMK = Let me know
LTR = Long term relationship
LYK = Let you know
LYL = Love you lots
LYLAB = Love you like a brother
LYLAS = Love you like a sister / sibling
LMAO = Laughing my a•• off
LMBO = Laughing my butt off
LMFAO = Laughing my freakin' a•• off
LMFBO = Laughing my fat butt off
LOFL Laughing out freakin' lound
LOL = Laugh out loud
LOL = Lots of love
LOLOL = Lots of laugh out louds
LTNS = Long time, no see
LUM = Love you man
LYMI = Love you, mean it
M = Male
MD@U = Mad at you
MD@U4N = Mad at you for now
ME2 = Me too
MIL = Mother in law
MMA = Meet me at ...
MMAMP = Meet me at my place
MOO = My own opinion
MYOB = Mind your own business
N = And
N = In
N2M = Not too much
N8KD = Naked
NBD = No big deal
N/C = Not cool
NE1 = Anyone
NFIAH = Never fear, I am here
NFW = No freakin' way
NLT = No later than
NM = Nevermind
NM = Not much
NMH = Not much here
NMJC = Nothing much, just chillin'
NNITO = Not necessarily in that order
NO1 = No one
NOMB? = None of my business?
NOMBR? = None of my business, right?
NOTTOMH = Not off the top of my head
NOYB = None of your business
NP = No problem
NRN = No reply necessary
NSISR = Not sure if spelled right
N/T = Nice try
NVM = Nevermind
NW = No way
OIC = Oh, I see
OMG = Oh my gosh
OMOHOD = One minute, one hour, one day
ONNA = Oh no, not again
OOC = Out of character
OT = Off topic
OT = Other topic
OTOH = On the other hand
OTW = On The Way
PIMP = Pee in my pants (w/ ROTFL)
PLD = Played / well-played
PLZ = Please
PLZRD = Please read
POS = Parent over shoulder
POS = Piece of s•••
POS = Power of suggestion
POV = Point of view
PPL = People
PYSIMPY = Put yourself in my position
QT = Cutie
RDNK = Redneck
RESQ = Rescue
RFC = Request for comment
RHIP = Rank hath its privileges
RL = Real Life
ROF = Rolling on the floor
ROFLMAO = Rolling on floor, laughing my a•• off
ROTFL = Rolling on the floor laughing
ROTFLMBO = Rolling on the floor, laughing my behind off
RP = Role Play
RPG = Role Playing Game
RT = Real-time
RTFA = Read the flippin' article
RTFM = Read the flippin' manual
RTFS = Read the flippin' source
RUB = Are you back?
RW = Real world
S2R = Send to receive
S/B = Should be
SCNR = Sorry, could not resist
SFB = S••• for brains
SK8 = Skate
SIL = Sister in law
SLY = Still love you
SMH = Shaking my head
SNAFU = Situation normal, all fouled up
SO = Significant other
SOB = Son of a b••••
SOL = S••• out of luck
SOS = Someone Special
SOS = Same old stuff
SOS = Sibling over shoulder
SOSO = Same old, same old
sp? = Spelling?
SSDD = Same stuff, different day
STPD = Stupid
STHU = Shut the heck up
STR8 = Straight
STTH = Speak to the hand
SUP = What's up?
SUSFU = Situation unchanged, all fouled up
SWALK = Sweet, with all love, kisses
SWAK = Sealed with a kiss
SWT = Sweat
SWDYWTTA = So what do you want to talk about?
SYSOP = System Operator (chat monitor)
TAY = Thinking about you
TBC = To be continued
TBH = To be honest
TC = Take care
TC = That's cool
TCO = Taken care of
TCOB = Takin' care of business
TCWB = Take care, write back
TDTM = Talk dirty to me
TFF = Too freakin' funny
TGIF = Thank goodness it's Friday
TITF = That is too funny
TOH = The other half
TOH = Typing one-handed
THX = Thanks
TNX = Thanks
TIA = Thanks in advance
TIC = Tongue in cheek
TLC = Tender love and care
TMA = Take my advice
TMI = Too much information
TTBOMK = To the best of my knowledge
TTFN = Ta-ta for now
TTYL = Talk to you later
TTYS = Talk to you soon
TTYVS = Talk to you very soon
TUT = Totally unique thought
TWIMC = To whom it may concern
TY = Thank you
TYT = Take your time
TYVM = Thank you very much
U2 = You too
URE = You are
UR = Your
UR2M = You are too much
URSKTM = You are so kind to me
VBG = Very big grin
W/ = With
W2F = Way too funny
W8 = =Wait
W8AM Wait a minute
WADITWB = We always did it that way before
WAEFRD = When all else fails, read directions
WAYDRN = What are you doing right now?
WAYDT = What are you doing tonight?
WB = Welcome back (chat)
WB = Write back (e-mail)
WC = Who cares
WDMB = Will do my best
WDUW = What do you want?
WE = Whatever
W/E = Whatever
WNDITWB = We never did it this way before
W/O = Without
WRT = With Regard To
WTF = What the f*ck?
WTG = Way to go!
WU =What's up?
WWjadi = What would Jesus do?
XOXOXO = Hugs and kisses
Y = Yes
YMBJ = You must be joking
YMMV = Your mileage may vary
YRG = You are good!
YVW = You're very welcome
YW = You're welcome
!= Not equal to
? = Huh?
?4U = Question for you
Klo ada yg laen silahkan di tambahkan pda komentar ya,,
Semoga membantu.
Jumat, 25 Februari 2011
Singkatan di Dunia Maya
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